A tool to scatter curves onto geometry
NOTE: Please have the geometry UV laid out in 1001 UV space!
Input Mesh:
Prior to scattering, please select a geometry and click 'set' into the input box.
Scatter Method:
Prior to scattering, please select a geometry and click 'set' into the input box.
Scatter Method:
- A geometry need to be 'set'. Please use the 'Set' button to define a mesh.
- Use the UV of the defined geometry for scattering. The larger the UV shell is, the denser the curves. Please ensure there's no overlapping UVs.
- UV must be in 1001 space.
- Please select vertices for curves to populate onto.
- A geometry need to be 'set'. Please use the 'Set' button to define a mesh. This is for orientation purpose.
Source Curves:
- Randomly sample curves added to the list and scatter onto defined geometry.
- Scatter onto defined geometry with straight curves only.
Scatter Parameters:
UV Scatter Mode:
Spacing: ('Spacing' UV Scatter Mode Only)
UV Scatter Mode:
- Density:
- Each sampled curve will be placed randomly on the mesh.
- Each sampled curve will be placed randomly on the mesh.
- Spacing:
- Each sampled curve will be placed based on the geometry's UV placement.
- Each sampled curve will be placed based on the geometry's UV placement.
- Multiplier for curve sale.
- Number of curves to be randomly placed. Note, the number of curves should be treated as approximate.
Spacing: ('Spacing' UV Scatter Mode Only)
- Controls the 'density' of scattered curves. Lower values will decrease the spacing between curves, yielding more curves (slower processing time).
- Start with a high number, and lower this value in increments to avoid long processing time.
- To speed up process, consider scattering multiple time with higher 'Spacing' values to create iterations or 'layers' of curves instead of one full dense pass. Use the 'Random-Spacing' slider to create random placements.
- Randomize the scale of scattered curves. This is a multiplier to the 'Scale' slider. A value of 0.500 in Random-Scale will multiply curves randomly between range of 50% ~ 100% of their set scale value.
- Randomize the spacing between curves, for uniform rows and columns, keep this at 0. The higher the value, the more randomly spaced out the curves scatter will be.
- Randomizes the rotation of each curves.
- Populate curves onto defined mesh/vertices.