Users will now be able to copy, remove, and create custom shader parameters for multiple XGen descriptions.
Source Collection:
Source Description:
Remove Tab
Select other description(s), if parameter(s) exist:
Remove Selected :
Remove All From Current :
Remove All From All :
Copy Tab
Select other description(s), if parameter(s) does NOT exist:
Copy Selected:
Copy Selected To All:
Copy All To All:
Overwrite if parameter exists:
Create Tab
Expr Editor:
The Empty Text Field:
Description List:
- The collection that XGen is currently set to. Switching a collection here will also switch the XGen UI.
Source Description:
- The description that XGen is currently set to. Switching a description here will also switch the XGen UI.
Remove Tab
Select other description(s), if parameter(s) exist:
- Turning this on will automatically select descriptions that contain the current selected shading parameters.
Remove Selected :
- Removes the selected shading parameters. If the same parameter exist in other descriptions, and if you want to remove them as well, make sure the other descriptions are also selected to remove them all.
Remove All From Current :
- Removes all custom shading parameters from the 'current' description.
Remove All From All :
- Wipes all custom shading parameters from all descriptions in the current collection.
Copy Tab
Select other description(s), if parameter(s) does NOT exist:
- Turning this on will automatically select descriptions that DOES NOT contain the current selected shading parameters.
Copy Selected:
- Copies selected parameter(s) from current description to the selected description(s).
Copy Selected To All:
- Copies selected parameter(s) from current description to ALL descriptions in the current collection.
Copy All To All:
- Copies ALL parameters from the current description to ALL descriptions in the current collection.
Overwrite if parameter exists:
- When on, and if parameter exists in the other descriptions, the copying operation will automatically overwrites the parameter values in the other descriptions. When off, a warning will appear and you will have a choice to overwrite or not.
Create Tab
- The name of the parameter you want to create.
Expr Editor:
- the XGen expression editor, to enter your expression for the new parameter you are about to create.
The Empty Text Field:
- You can ignore this empty text field. It's required as a channel and the purpose is for the conversion from expression to python readable strings.
Description List:
- Select the description(s) you would like to create the new parameter on.