The PaintFX to Curves tool allows users to create Maya PaintFX strokes, and then convert to Maya Curves for quick blocking of a curve pass.
PaintFX and Curves
Volume Mesh
Note: If a manipulator handle does not show up after Volume Mesh creation, please delete the mesh (envelopMesh), make sure the Construction History is On, and try clicking the button again.
- Paint Hair:
- Select a geometry in scene, and click on this button to toggle paint effect tool. Start painting away!
- Auto Convert to curve:
- When on, each stroke will be automatically converted to Maya curve. Upon exiting the tool, each curve in a painting session will be put into a group.
- Convert to Curves:
- Convert ‘ALL’ PaintFX strokes in the scene to Maya curves.
- Pivot to Root:
- With all curves selected, set pivot to root of each curve. This step is important.
- Average Curves:
- Select all Maya Curves and runs an average operation, so that all curves are equal in length.
- CVs (Rebuild):
- After the PaintFX is converted to Maya Curves, usually it comes with high CV counts. Rebuild them to a lower CV count.
- Smooth:
- Apply smoothing to all the curves selected
Volume Mesh
- Volume Mesh:
- Select the mesh, and click on ‘Volume Mesh’. This will give you a handle. Select the Z axis (blue) and drag it to inflate the mesh to a desired distance.
- Re-Attach Control:
- If you need to grab the handle again, select the Volume Mesh geometry in outliner (envelopeMesh), and click ‘Re-Attach Control’.
Note: If a manipulator handle does not show up after Volume Mesh creation, please delete the mesh (envelopMesh), make sure the Construction History is On, and try clicking the button again.
Curve Snap Controls
Deforming Curves with Volume Mesh
- Snap From:
- Choose if the snapping should occur from ‘root’ or ‘tip’.
- Snap Ramp:
- There are some preset curves to pick from. For short hair, ‘Semi Curl’ will probably work the best.
- Snap Curves:
- With curves selected, shift select the volume mesh, click Snap Curves to snap the curves to the volume mesh.
Deforming Curves with Volume Mesh
- Wrap Curves To Mesh:
- If you wish to use the volume mesh to further shape the curves, select all the curves, and shift select the volume mesh. Click on ‘Wrap Curves to Mesh’. This will bind all the curves to the mesh (You can also use any mesh if you wish to, ie. a sphere.)
- Delete History/Reset Transform:
- When finished, select the curves, and the volume mesh, and click on ‘Delete History/Reset Transform’ to clean up.